Sunday, May 16, 2010


I’m partial to the FoxNews channel.

As such, I’ve never watched a single broadcast of CBS Evening News. Nor did I ever catch Katie Couric in her role as the perky wake-up call on the Today show. On the whole, I’m fairly unfamiliar with much of her work and, frankly, entirely uninterested. The same cannot be said for Clara.

Clara is the roommate of one of my participants who currently resides in a nursing home. My participant, Violet, is a doll. Her hands are crippled beyond repair or use with arthritis, and one can tell by spending time with her that her mind is starting to go, but she bears the carriage of a true southern genteel lady. She is reserved and soft-spoken, but entirely warm and graceful, with impeccable manners. When I give her a hug, her head of wavy white hair fits perfectly under my chin, and I could easily wrap my arms around her tiny frame twice.

If the proprietors of the Owsley County nursing home searched the entire county - no, the entire state - I don’t think that they could have possibly found a roommate for Violet less compatible than Clara. She isn’t old; I’d place her at about fifty. She has brown hair cropped close to her head, and she’s a big lady - in size, presence, and volume. She’s definitely a few fries short of a Happy Meal, so to speak, but I really love chatting with her when I go in to see Violet. Granted, she bogarts the conversation in such a way that I often have to bring Violet someplace else in order to catch up with her. However, the resulting laughs make the minor inconvenience totally worth it.

Clara is the biggest Katie Couric fan I’ve ever met. I mean, I wish I loved anything as much as this woman loves Katie Couric. When she first found out that I hail from New York, her round eyes grew wider, her mouth hung agape, and she asked in an awe-struck voice, “Do you know Katie Couric?” When I answered in the negative, she threw her hands up in the air, sat back, and said, “I’m ashamed of you.” Well.

In the visits that were to follow, we often touched upon the topic of Ms. Couric. Over time, I was able to alter my original answer to the point where I could speak freely about my numerous discussions with the anchor, referencing our BBM correspondence and frequent coffee shop conversation. During my last visit with Violet, Clara handed me a piece of folded yellow paper and gravely gave the order to pass it along to my good friend, Katie. The following passage is a faithful duplicate of the words written therein:

#1 Reporter in the World

To = my best friend Katie Couric =

I want to meet you in person, you can say you are on assignment. I have watched loved you and admired you for years.
fly into Lexington Ky., rent a red Toyota Camry, come to Booneville, Ky., the nursing home. Make sure you make it interesting.
Your best friend Clara


Eventually, I want to be called Angel.

Katie, I asked Charlotte at the Hazard hospital how you were, I was told I was you. Katie, will you it was or is possible, help me and let me tell you the truth about God and Jesus and me.

I will tell the truth.

As I took the note, Clara looked up slyly at me and asked, “Are you an angel?” I smiled, shook my head, and said, “No, but I’ve been told that you are.” She threw back her head and howled with laughter. As Violet and I slowly walked down the hallway lined with people forgotten and discarded by society, I could hear Clara’s laugh still, punctuated by the exclamation, “An angel!”

And yes, I am absolutely sending that note to Katie Couric.

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